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Limpia tu cuerpo con Té Rojo

Clean your body with Red Tea

Debug help to that the body renew and recargue of energy. TheRed teaIt is the ideal drink to clean our body since in addition to being deliciousIt helps us to delete toxins and to control the levels of cholesterol. Besides it is ideal stopsReduce or maintain the corporal weight, since his combination of caffeine and antioxidant stimulate the termogénesis, that is to say, the production of heat in the organism with the consistent consumption of calories. With so many profits for our organism is normal that was known like theTea of the health.

With the change of season and the end of the summer,Now it is the perfect moment to clean our organismOf the excesses of the holidays and begin well the course.Therefore, we animate you to be followed thePlan 3 cups,That consists in taking three cups ofRed teaTo the day during a month to help to the body to debug . Immediately you will begin to note the changes, so much to physical level like mental:Better digestions, better appearance of the skin, improvement of the humour and the self-esteem and besides will feel you more relax@ and optimist@.

You do not need to do special diets neither restrict lunches.Download you the Plan three cupsSo that you go noting your advances and feel you prides@ and with more spirits. It is important that complement it with oneHealthy diet and balanced to base of fruits, vegetables, integral cereals and protein of qualityLike the legumes or the fish.

We propose you an idea of diet ideal type for a good debugging:

  • Breakfasts. Begin the day with a good breakfast contributes us the essential nutrients to begin well the day. A good idea is desayunar some toasts of integral bread with jam or low cheese in fats to accompany yourPu Erh OriginalOr theGrace Blend NetIf you prefer something sweeter. To average tomorrow is recommended to take a piece of fruit and a bunch of nuts that will give us energy.
  • Lunch. Begin with a soup is a good way for tonificar the digestion. To continuation recommends prepare a dish that contain: integral cereal, fresh vegetable and protein of quality. To end up will take a cup of Red Tea like thePu Erh CanelaOr thePu Erh ChaiThat facilitate the digestion.
  • Merienda:ARed tea of VanillaAccompanied of a snack healthyIt is the best option to relax us to half evening.
  • Dinner. It is recommended to dine early, so that it give us time to do the digestion. A cream of vegetables, fished to the iron and an apple to the oven or a yogurt desnatado would be a good option.

And to end up recommend you the following healthy habits to make a good debugging:

  • Sleep at least 8 daily hours.
  • Avert the stress.
  • Make something of sport and exercises of relaxation.
  • Maintain a positive mental attitude.

It follows the Plan 3 cups and begins to note the profits!

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