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La manzanilla para perros, ¿Qué usos tiene?

The camomile for dogs, Which uses has?

The pets, the same that it occurs us to the people, have his good days and his bad days. Dogs and cats also are exposed to situations of stress. The good news is that we can use tila for dogs and other natural remedies to help them to go through this hardship.

There are plants, as it is the case of thetila For dogs, that have a lot of profits for the welfare of the animal. Also theCamomile and the dogsThey get along, so that we can prepare quietly oneCamomileFor dogs.Another question is that it like them! But we see how we can help them with these infusions.

Properties of the camomile with anise for dogs

The people that have small boys surely know these terrible colics that suffer the children in his first months and years of life. The digestive tract of the babies is not of the all developed and has to habituarse to the diet and the changes that experience the boys in his first stages. This, joined to the nervousness and to the crying, does that the boys have frequent digestive annoyances. A very popular remedy to combat these annoyances is the infusion of camomile with anise.

In the pets sucede something similar. The dogs are used to to show anxious big part of the day. For example to the lunchtime, when we serve him his favourite food, or when intuyen that go to #take them to stroll. We add to this these tantrums that takes the animal when it remains only home. Besides, neither it is rare that the dogs eat anything that find, already was food or objects. Like this it is comprehensible that suffer also gastric problems.

The use of the camomile and the anise, in small dose, yes is allowed in dogs, and in fact relieves them enough the abdominal aches and the nauseas. But no only this, but the camomile has other medicinal properties very interesting for the dogs that suits that we know and #take.

The anxious dogs can calm his nerves taking infusion of camomile. For this reason, have home infusions eatTila GardenAndCamomilla GoldenIt is an excellent idea so that they help us in situations of stress, as in case of parties in which they throw artificial fires or firecrackers that so much scare to the animals.

Aside, the camomile is an effective remedy to treat the problems in the skin that have been ocasionados by the sting of some parasite like the fleas, or when the dog has done some wound or rozadura. It does not have to be missing if our dog suffers some type of allergy.

Tila for cats and dogs

The same that the camomile, an infusion of tila helps to the pets to sobreponerse in situations of nervousness. What does not have to do never is medicar to an animal without that previously the veterinary have authorised it, because the medicines can be very dangerous.

A good option to avert it are theInfusions, that tolerate better that the essential oils or that the plant in tablet, which in addition to having risk of toxicity are more difficult to find and more expensive.

Have in the pantry of house bolsitas for infusionar, as oursTilas Garden And Camomilla Golden, it is the best alternative to facilitate that the pet can drink of these plants and receive his profits, in small dose and without risk.

To prepare onetila For dogsSimply it is necessary to do the infusion, following the indications of the container that are very simple. They are only some minutes of water in ebullición and already is prepared theInfusion of tila or camomile for the pet. Now, simply it is necessary to leave that it cool a bit and give it to drink to the animal.

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