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Propiedades de la manzanilla

Properties of the camomile

The mainProperties of the camomileThey are the antiinflamatorias, the analgesic and the antiespasmódicas. It treats of a flower originaria of Asia, Europe, Australia and North America and flowers during the first months of summer. TheTea of camomileIt containschamazuleno, a compound aromatic chemist that it is the one who awards the medicinal properties to the flower.

manzanilla propiedades

Beneficial appearances of the camomile

If a day arrive home estresados or spend a terrible cold, take a hot cup of tea of camomile (for example, the infusion of camomile with lemon), deleitándonos with his sweet floral smell, us reconfortará as if of a medicine treated .These are his main profits:

1. It promotes the rest and the sleep

The infusions of camomile (like theOrganic tea of lemon and camomile) They relax the nerves andThey relieve the nervous system, what helps us to sleep better. On the other hand, they lack caffeine, by what are very adapted to take just before sleeping.

2. It reinforces the immune system

Numerous studios have showed that the teas of camomile no only cure illnesses, but they work like a big preventive wall, especially in front of harmful bacteria, reforzando The immune system.

3. It relieves the cold

One of the best and more known profits of the camomile is that fight the effects of the flu and the cold. We take a tea of camomile with ginger every night and leave that it do his effect while we sleep. Also we can inhale steams of this flower to relieve the nasal congestion, the dribble of the nose and the ache of throat.

4. It reduces the espasmos muscular and the ache menstrual

The camomile has propertiesantiespasmódicas And analgesic, therefore, it is able to relax the uterus and diminish the production ofProstaglandinsDuring the period menstrual, treats of similar substances to the hormones that cause inflammation and ache to the women.

5. It reduces the slight ache of stomach

One of the most known effects of this plant is that it is a big digestive because it relaxes the walls of the stomach. Very useful to the hour to treat some disorders gastrointestinales, like the flatulence, the indigestion, the nauseas, the vomits, the diarrhoea or the anorexia.

6. It cures the wounds of the skin

The ancient Romans already used the tea of camomile stopsTreat wounds and courts in the skin.

This is because of the antimicrobic properties of the same, that even can treat chronic conditions, like the psoriasis or the eczema.

7. It reduces the stress

The lifestyles that spend do very difficult that our body and our mind relax at the end of the day. Take oneInfusion of camomileAt night it acts I eatrelajante Soft, as well as a natural sedative very effective, reducing the daily stress.

8. It clears the skin

Drink tea of hot camomile also can do marvels in our skin, since it provides multiple antioxidants that help to maintain the protective barrier of the skin and help toBleach it.

9. It reduces the acne

The camomile no only gives him resplandor to our gaze, but it also can finish with theAnnoying shoots of acne, since it helps to dispel the stains, deletes the scars of the acne and fight the shoots, if it uses by topical road, thanks to his properties antiinflamatorias and antisépticas.

In definite, the mainProperties of the camomile Round-up in his can anti-inflammatory, antiséptico and analgesic. Can take by topical road, to improve the skin or like tea or infusion, preferably by the nights or after eating. Of this way helps to combat the sleeplessness and improves the digestion, two of his main profits.

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