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¿Cuál es tu color favorito?

Which is your favourite colour?

How each morning, open the cupboard and no that put me. It expects me a hard day, so I opt by the red, that me revitaliza. When already I have decided me, it appears deep down the white colour, with his clean and luminous effect and change of opinion. If it is that they like me all!.

Finally, What is what does them distinct? Each colour transmits us feelings and are able until to modify our state of spirit. In the colours of the teas spends the same and if you still do not know cual is yours, explain you that it contributes you each one, and as they can improve your day.

Black tea:In reality the colour of this variety is ambarino, colour of the tenacity and dip them. It provides a good dose of energy to face the day. His intense flavour and his penetrating aroma are due to the oxidation of the leaves, what does that a cup contain something more than teína that other varieties, without depriving us of a generous quantity of antioxidants.

White tea: It symbolises the purity. It produces with the shoot without opening and the tenderst leaves of the plant, and his process of manufacture this thought to preserve to the maximum his original state. Fragrant and delicate, is the opposite to the black. With all the antioxidants of the plant and with little teína.

Green tea: It represents the harmony and the freshness, spending us to the balance, is the perfect colour to concentrate us. In his process averts the oxidation of the leaves, preserving his antioxidants and achieving that it do not arrive to the level of teína of the black. It is perfect to maintain us hidratados, favour the digestion and improve the circulation.

Red tea: It strengthens us and it favours a state of positive spirit. His leaves post-fermented are an excellent depurativo, that help to our organism to release of the toxins and the excesses. His flavour terroso and his robust body conform a perfect alternative to the coffee, with a light stimulating effect.

RooibosAndInfusions: Of colour anaranjado, this South African plant this of course free of caffeine in his composition and thanks to his content in minerals, has the capacity to provide relax and digestive welfare. Can take anytime and it loves them to the boys. The infusions, will help you to feel you well anytime.

Now only it remains to order the cupboard according to your preferences. Sure that you can not choose only one.

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