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¿Sabes por qué tomar té caliente?

You know why take hot tea?

During the process of preparation of the tea, the hot water hidrata the leaves and extracts of them his components, that contribute to the drunk his aroma, flavour and nutrients. From among the more than 300 components of the tea stand out theFlavonoids, substances fitoquímicas with antioxidant properties. TheAntioxidants of the teaThey are very reactive, by which oxidan and disappear when exposing to the oxigeno of the air.

More properties

Since the antioxidants are very beneficial for the organism, drink hot tea recently prepared is better, in this appearance, that drink cold tea. If we leave the infusion in an open container, little by little will go reducing by oxidation the content of antioxidants. The antioxidants maintain stable to temperature acclimatise during 7 hours, and from this moment reduce in 20%.

Better Flavour

When it takes the hot tea, perceive with main intensityThe aroma and the flavour, since the papillas gustativas are more sensitive to the warm temperatures that to the cold. When the indicator of temperature reacts, the brain receives electrical signals on the flavour of the drink, that are more intense, in proportion to the temperature.

It lengthens the conservation

A good option to maintain the tea and other infusions as recently poised, is to conserve the hot drink in aThermal container. The absence of oxygen and the conservation of the temperature allow to enjoy of all the flavour and the properties of the drink passed several hours, since the hermetical closing dulls the oxidation. Besides it facilitates the transport, being able to spend our favourite tea in mint condition until the place where go to consume it.

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