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Bayas las perlas del Bosque

Berries the perlas of the Forest

Who has not enjoyed of an evening in family collecting fruits of the forest? His attractive colour and the opportunity to enjoy of the aromas of the infancy have a innegable can of seduction. But besides the berries contribute us crowd of nutrients, that express in his brilliant colours. They exist more than 250 edible varieties, and his gastronomic and medicinal uses are countless.

The Muslim and the raspberry are the most recognizable of oursBerriesWild. The Muslim results beneficial for the people anaemics by his combination of vitamin C and iron. They are of purple colour and mature when finalising the summer.

The raspberry is of intense pink colour, and stands out for being rich inFlavonoids, a type of antioxidant. His flavour is sourer that the one of the strawberries and his size is minor that the one of these.

Of the Anglo-Saxon countries arrive us other fruits like the cranberries and the grosellas.

The first, especially the red(cranberries)They contain antocianinas, that provide them antioxidant virtues, antiinfecciosas and antiinflamatorias. The grosellas by his part are digestive and descongestionantes of the liver. Besides a glass of his juice contains thrice more vitamin C that an orange.

BECAUSE OF his short period of recolección, each day is more frequent to find them of crop, what offers us the possibility to enjoy them all the year. But if we spend us a full basket home after a walk, the best option is to take advantage of them to prepare any one of the traditional recipes to base of fruit, jams, jams, syrups…

We propose you a simple recipe of jam of Muslims, but that you can apply to any type of fruit.

Jam of Muslims


350g of Muslims

½ Kilo of sugar


Esterilizamos The pots in which we go to save the preserve, during 15 minutes.

We wash the fruit and delete the


In a casserole, mix the fruit with the sugar and #stir during some 20 minutes, until achieving the texture wished.

We go through a Chinese strainer to delete the seeds.

We fill the pots and in case that they are not hermetical, boil them to the bath maría to do the vacio.

Of course always it will remain any to add to yourInfusions, and in contrary case, theTeaAlready we put it we.

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