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Los beneficios de tomar té ecológico

The profits to take ecological tea

A lot of people buyEcological teaFor reasons of health. One of the main reasons by which the people opt by him in place of the conventional tea is that the first is healthier and contains main properties.

In fact, in 2012 it discovered in a studio of Greenpeace that the levels of pesticidas in the conventional teas of Chinese origin are very little healthy. Of the same way, also knows that drink tea contaminated with pesticidas with frequency does more harm that benefit.

Profits of the tes ecologicos

These are some of the profits to stand out of this wonderful product. They exist a lot of varieties of tea, butThe red, the green or the matcha can be the favourites.

It does not have toxins.

A lot of pesticidas have been forbidden been due toHis toxic effectSo much in the environment as in the human body. TheEcological tea will ensure that we do not accrue toxinsIn the organism, augmenting our immunity and averting endocrine problems to half term.

te ecologico

It fits to stand out that the waste of pesticidas can store in the corporal fat and many of them already have been forbidden in Europe and America, but still can be into use in other parts of the world. If the tea tills in parts of the world that have not forbidden the harmful chemical products, probably are consuming part of these substances. Like this, the surest option isChoose the ecological.

It maintains our healthy digestive system

Our digestive system is connected to our welfare. The cerebo segrega the hormone serotonin, that is related with the anxiety and the depression, produces in the intestine. Like result, is important to maintain healthy the intestine stopsAvert diverse digestive and psychic illnesses.

te ecologico

On the other hand, andl Tea helps to reestablish the balance of the intestinal floraWhile it improves his function. However, a lot of experts emphasize in the importance that the tea was ecological to ensure that it was "clean" and no contaminated by heavy metals or toxic conditions of the soil. In his place, is recommended to buyYou ecologico on-line of tall quality.

It augments our consumption of antioxidants

When purchasing and consumeYou ecologico to granel, we will provide to the organism more quantity of antioxidants that with a conventional tea. These help to neutralise the effects of the free radicals, substances that cause illnesses like the cancer or the infections.

Of course,The antioxidants can protect against illnessesRelated with the age like the Alzheimer. Also ralentizan the process of aging, augmenting the longevity.

It maintains us in a healthy weight

If we are treating to go down of weight or, simply, to maintain us, a hot cup ofYou matcha ecologicoIt is the perfect option. Taken without milk neither sugar, the tea does not have calories. Drink it maintains us very hidratados and in an ideal weight. As it does not possess toxic substances, will take care of our metabolism to achieve that the body burn more calories being in rest.

te ecologico

It provides us more nutrients

The type of process #carry to achieveTea of ecological originIt allows to obtain an infusion with main quantity of nutrients. Although the tea is mainly waters, contains vitamins andMinerals that help to our organism.

For example, the biotina that contributes help to the metabolism, maintains the hair and the healthy skin and improves the operation of the nervous system. A pair of cups of this natural product to the day will help us to maintain the daily needs of nutrients.

In round-up,BuyYou green ecologicoIt means to purchase products without harmful chemists and with exquisite properties. One of the clearest distinctions among theEcological teaAnd the conventional tea is that the first tills without the use of fertilizantes chemical, pesticidas, fungicidas or herbicides and, therefore, is healthier.

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