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Beneficios de la canela

Profits of the cinnamon

If we ask usSo that it serves the you of cinnamon,In this article deepen in the profits of this aromatic condiment and explain how use it of different forms, to the margin to include it in culinary recipes.

Which profits presents the cinnamon?

The cinnamon comes from of the Indian and is a rich ingredient inMagnesium, iron, calcium and vitamins C and B1.They attribute him properties relajantes. If we suffer diarrhoea or bad digestion, take an infusion of cinnamon will help us to relieve his annoying symptoms. Equally it is indicated if we are liable to have flatulences.

It fits to stand out that this spiceIt contains antioxidantThat ralentizan the natural process of deterioration of the cells, averting that the fats oxiden and can deposit in the arteries. Nevertheless, this ingredient increases a bit the cardiac rhythm, by what if we present some cardiac condition will have to avert take it to end to preserve our health.

If from time to time we consume a tea of cinnamon, will contribute to regulate the level of glucose and to control the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood. Therefore, if we are diabéticos is totally indicated to take this type of tea. When acting like a powerful anticoagulant coadyuvará to that the platelets keep balanced in normal levels, #make feel us better, for example, if we manifest annoyances during the menstruation.

It is checked thatIt improves the visual memoryWhen stimulating some functions of the brain. To his time, is a perfect antiséptico. We will be able to use it to disinfect our skin and delete funguses and bacteria of natural form. In this same line, treasures the capacity ofdesinflamar. Therefore, if we suffer, for example, arthritis will be effective to mitigate the ache.

The qualities of the cinnamon do that his infusion facilitate theLoss of weight.When reducing the levels of sugar in blood exists less insulin and, in consequence, our body stores less fat. In this sense, advise that if we find us immersed in a diet of adelgazamiento add to the menu an infusion in the morning and another in the afternoon. If we are constant will observe the results of fast form.

In period of cold, the Chinese culture always resorts to this spice like natural remedy against the colds, since it possesses properties antibacterianas and antiinflamatorias. Therefore, if us constipamos, present cough, headaches or fever taking his infusion will find us better.

Which products include cinnamon?

Although we think that the cinnamon only has use in the repostería, the true is thatWe can take advantage of all his propertiesTaking it in tea, for example. The big variety of products that include this spice does that we can enjoy ofDelicious infusions.Besides, preparing it of this form will ensure us that the cinnamon conserve all his nutrients.

If it likes us the strong flavour, recommend to bet by an infusion ofBlack teaOr red with cinnamon, as well as taste therooibosWith trocitos of cinnamon and intense oriental flavour. Have to our disposal a lot of varieties so that we choose the one who better adjusts to our personal tastes.

We guarantee that each one of the available types will provide us an intense flavour when containing ingredients of the maximum quality. If we prefer that it was desteinado, for example, theTea cinnamon decafIt will be of our interest when including only a 5 % of teína.

Likewise, we have other options as, for example, tasteJamsOf this ingredient, like the poised with jenjibre and apples; crispy sugar for endulzar the infusions with aroma to cinnamon orCookies of butterWith an intense flavour to this spice.

In definite, now that know for what serves the tea of cinnamon and possess all the information on the profits that can provide us this condiment, invite to his daily consumption.

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