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Los beneficios de la Manzana y sus propiedades

The profits of the Apple and his properties

Of all is known that has to take at least a piece of daily fruit. Why no apple? This has a big quantity of properties and profits for the health. It treats of a very nutritious and complete fruit that besides does not fatten, because has few calories.

An apple to the day looks you a boring diet? Can use it for crowd of dishes!Cake of apple, compote, apple roasted… Enjoys of all the flavour and the properties of this fruit. We discover his properties and how include it in the cookery.

And if you do not have time to cook but want to enjoy of the flavour of the apple in your cup, in Tea Shop propose you the infusionCamomilla GoldenThat it will surprise you with his resemblance to the traditional flavour of the apples roasted,  the infusionGolden CakeThat remembers to the cake of apples, and the incredible infusionApple TemptationWith flavour to pure juice of apple. Very rich!

manzana beneficios

13 properties of the apples

1. Excellent antioxidant by his content in vitamins And and C

2. Perfecta for a good nutrition because it is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, in vitamins of the group B and C and in fibre.

3. Help to combat some cancers of mouth, prostate, colon, oesophagus and of rectum. The apple contains flavonoids and proantocianidinas, two powerful antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cells cancerígenas.

4. It is advisable if it suffers of diabetes since it contains pectin, a substance that reduces the need of insulin in diabéticos until 35%.

5. It warns the arthritis and illnesses reumatoides, overcoat in shape of vinegar. Two small teaspoonfuls in a glass of hot water with sugar have effect anti-inflammatory in the articulations.

6. For an only jaw and some strong teeth. It improves the circulation of blood in the encías and regulates the PH of the mouth, thing that reduces the plate bacteriana.

7. Perfecta for some clean teeth. Eat a clean apple of natural form the surface of our teeth. Besides it improves our breath thanks to the modification of the PH!

8. Help to maintain the cholesterol to line. The pectin and the antioxidants that contains the apple improve the metabolism of the cholesterol.

9. Help to combat the appetite with very fewkcal AppleTHANKS TO the pectin, a natural fibre. The fibre, beside the water that contains an apple helps to satiate the appetite.

The most advisable apple to satiate the appetite is the green since his nutritional density accustoms to be main and, besides contains less sugar. TheGreen apple calories, it depends of the size. If it is average (180g) can be some 70 calories.

10. Help to digest better the lunch. The fibre that contains the apple, if we eat it to us with skin, help to our intestinal traffic. Ideal after a lunch copiosa!

11. Hidrata, since 85% of his composition is water.

12. Good for the constipation and the diarrhoea. The apple, without skin and in shape of groove helps to combat the diarrhoea. Instead, if we take it without peeling and whole fight the constipation.

13. Help to conciliate the sleep, is rich in potassium and vitamin B, two nutrients that combat in sleeplessness.

The cake of apple and more recipes

The cake of apple is all a classical inside the repostería and a very good form to eat apple if we opt by oneRecipe light.We discover an easy recipe and with few calories and other recipes with apple.

Cake of apple


6 apples

250 grams of integral flour

250 grams of white flour

2 glasses of milk semidesnatada

1 glass of oil of olive

6 eggs

2 sobres of yeast

Butter to grease

Jam of peach light

Canela in powder

Vanilla in powder

Groove of lemon and orange (optional

Estevia To the taste


1. We peel the apples and cut 3 of them in cuadraditos and the rest in slices.

2. Tamizamos The flour.

3. We put in a blender the three apples cut and the rest of ingredients, except the jam. We beat until it remain us a paste homogénea.

4. We put the paste in a mould greased with butter and enter in the oven precalentado to 180 º during 40 minutes pretty much.

5. In the meantime we mix a pair of spoonfuls of jam with a bit of water.

6. We #take of the oven and when it was cold pincelamos all the surface with the jam and add the apple cut in slices.

This cake of apple is perfect for any hour of the day! We recommend you try it with our delicious teas. Of good morning upload you of energy to face the day taking it with the black teaBerry Fields.In the afternoon relax you with all the aroma of theGreen tea Orient ExpressAnd a good piece of cake and, if it is at night, enjoy it with infusions withoutteínaOr caffeine such as oursValeriana Garden.

Amuse you in the cookery and prepares other desserts with this delicious fruit. TheCalories appleThey are few, therefore it is an ideal ingredient for sweet recipes. You can be goloso taking care your line!

Dare with a strudel of apple, a crumble or a deliciousCake of cheese and apple.There are a lot of options, creates your own recipes!

manzana beneficios

Compote of apple and cinnamon


2 apples golden


1 tube of cinnamon

1 nail of smell (optional)


1. It peels the apples and put them in a hunt with the rest of ingredients: the sugar, the cinnamon and the nail of smell.

2. It leaves that they bake until they are tender. Among 4 and 8 minutes, if it does fault can bake them some minutes more.

3. #Take of the hunt and leave them cool to temperature acclimatise. Can put the compote in the fridge to take it cold.

Salad with apple Golden


1Green apple

1 package of lettuces varied

Cheese feta or cheese

1 pomegranate

Oil and lemon


1. We wash the lettuces, the troceamos and plant them in a bowl.

2. We cut the apple in plates and add it, planting it among the leaves of the lettuce.

3. We open the pomegranate and the desgranamos in the bowl.

4. Finally, we add the taquitos of cheese feta and dress it to our taste with oil of olive and lemon.

To enjoy of this healthy dish and refrescante, recommend to accompany it with one of theTeas with iceThat you can find in Tea Shop, for example the black teaTropical Colada, original, different and afrutado. Perfecto to take it in summer with this salad!

manzana beneficios

All would have to include the apple in our daily diet. Can do it of one thousand ways. We have explained you three recipes but there is a lot of more! Dare to put apple to your dishes. We bet by the apple to boast of health!

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