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5 Curiosities on the tea

Tea Shop

Today we go to see 5 curiosities on the tea that expect that they like you, there go:

What there is behind your cup of tea?

Sure that more than once, taking a cup of tea home or in a terrace have asked you how have arrived until there these dry leaves. The tea comes from of the plant of tea, a small tree traditionally cut by the hand of the man to facilitate the collected and generally of manual form, the tree does not measure more than 1,50 metres. The tea of taller quality infusiona with whole leaves and the fruits and flowers find in pieces.

In Tea Shop all our teas are of very tall quality, only collect the leaves of main quality of each plant to ensure a maximum quality.

Target, green or black: several teas of an alone tree

The same plant is the origin of several types of teas, through a natural process of oxidation that commissions to age the leaf, changes the colour and the flavour of the same. The softest and less oxidado is the white tea that enjoys of floral aromas. The green tea no oxida at all, what provides him these vegetal notes. By his part, the black tea characterises by his tall oxidation with notes toasted and the red tea by his notes ahumadas.

How preserve the flavours of the tea?

The tea has to store far of the light and of the humidity. You can opt for saving it in a box of metal or wood. You have to know that the tea is not perishable although in Tea Shop always recommend to not to save it more than 12 months to enjoy of all his flavour. Also we recommend to save it in boxes of brass to conserve the quality of his flavour.

Here you will be able to do you with the bestTinsTo save tea.

Some councils to enjoy of your tea

To enjoy of the best of the tea and of his flavours, have to prepare it with tranquility and with affection. The temperature of the water has to be underneath of 70° while it treat of a white or green tea. For the blue tea, red or black, has to be among 80° and 95°.

Council:No for putting more tea of the recommended will have more flavour. Put more quantity can modify the taste of the tea and even go back it something more bitter or astringente.

How accompany my tea?

To enjoy of a complete experience, from Tea Shop recommend to accompany the tea with some ideal home-made cookies for the occasion. You will be able to do you with onesHere

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